Research project
In the footsteps of Gabriel Pierné!
November 8, 2019
Radio interview
Here is an interview carried out by the radio CJSO of Sorel-Tracy in the Lambert Café program with Jocelyne Lambert. It was a question of announcing some concerts in Quebec. This interview also reports on my most recent research.
Click here to listen to it.
January 16, 2019
Participation in the doctoral study day at the Paris Conservatory
I am very happy to participate in the first doctoral study day of the year at the National Conservatory of Music and Dance of Paris in partnership with Sorbonne University which will take place in Paris on January 21, 2019 from 10 a.m. I will speak among other doctoral students and researchers within the framework of this meeting devoted to musicological research. Here is the document to download to know the content of this day and of my presentation which will focus in particular on the reception of contemporary works directed by Gabriel Pierné at the Concert Columns.
About the doctoral study days: Organized jointly by the University of Paris-Sorbonne and the Paris Conservatory, the study days, open to all, offer graduate student performers and composers a place of exchange, resources and expression to feed their research and present the state of progress of their work to the public. ( )
October 2018,
Good morning all,
As you may already know, I was recently admitted into the highly coveted, quota-based program of "Doctorate of Music: Research and Practice" of the Paris National Conservatory of Music and Dance in partnership with the University of Paris. -Sorbonne under the direction of pianist Denis Pascal. My research project concerns the work for piano and chamber music by the French composer and conductor Gabriel Pierné (1863-1937). I will therefore have to base myself in Paris for the next four years in order to be close to the places relevant to my research: the National Library of France, the National Archives, the Concerts Colonnes of which Pierné was the artistic director (1910-1934) . My activities will also include lectures at the conservatory and doctoral study days. On the other hand, I will be called upon to participate in musicology seminars and to meet regularly with my research director at the University. As the selection and audition process was done in September, I will have to compose without a doctoral grant since I must be admitted before being able to submit an application and the procedures can take up to a year before receiving assistance. .
So today I am launching a socio-financing campaign with the aim of helping to cover several costs related to my doctoral project in Paris. This would help finance my trips: to Metz in Lorraine to visit the birthplace of Gabriel Pierné, to Rennes to collaborate with an art historian who is currently classifying the Pierné family fund, in Aix-en-Provence to participate in the “Musical analysis days” in November 2018, and several other activities that will be added to my curriculum. In March 2019, I will be returning to Canada for reading recitals. This will allow me to present to the Canadian public for the first time the state of my research. This campaign will also be used to defray the costs of scores, books, books, periodicals and other documents not available in the library or online which could be very necessary for the writing of my thesis.
All this to support a project that has been close to my heart for more than five years to enhance the repertoire for piano and chamber music of Gabriel Pierné. Thank you in advance, know that those who donate more than $ 50 CAD will be placed on a VIP mailing list and will be regularly informed of my research.
Antoine Laporte
PhD student in music: CNSMDP research and practice
Media: (go to 4:00)
September 2018,
After submitting my application to the National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Paris (CNSMDP), I received a letter mentioning that my application had been accepted and that I was invited to go audition in Paris on September 26th. My research project on the French composer and conductor Gabriel Pierné (1863-1937) attracted the interest of the CNSMDP and the Paris-Sorbonne University since members of the jury composed of the teaching staff of the two institutions were present during of the preselection.
I am currently preparing a doctoral interview focusing on my research topic in addition to preparing an hour of repertoire related to it for the public hearing. Here is the program I am preparing:
C. Franck, Prélude, Fugue et Variation op.18 ( 1862)
Piano transcription by Harold Bauer (1910)
Gabriel Pierné, concert study Op. 13 (1887)
G. Pierné, Trois pièces formant une suite de concert Op.40 (ca.1903)
I. Preludio e fughetta II. Nocturne in the shape of a waltz III. Symphonic study.
Here is my recording of the Etude symphonique op.40
G. Pierne, Six pieces (1935)
IV. Tomb of Caesar Franck VI.Gulliver in the land of Lilliput
F. Chopin, Allegro de concert Op.46 (1841)
This program reflects quite well the evolution of musical language in Pierné in addition to highlighting its influences. Franck as organ and improvisation teacher, and Chopin as indisputable piano master, had significant repercussions on Pierné's work. It is interesting to know that Pierné obtained his first prize in piano at the Paris conservatory on July 25, 1879 by performing the Allegro de Concert op.46 by Chopin.
Here is a link to hear the interview conducted by Vannessa Limage of ICI Permière de Radio-Canda (Abitibi-Temiscamingue)